Observing systems

Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure

Web site address:  www.ismar.cnr.it/infrastrutture/reti-osservative

  1. “Acqua Alta” Oceanograhic Tower (AAOT). Gulf of Venice, North Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean
  2. Sicily Channel Observatory (SiCO). Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean
  3. S1 Meteoceanographic Site (S1). North Adriatic Sea, Mediterranean

Description: ISMAR OS is a system around Italy and is composed by 11 fixed platforms, HF radars, a glider. The installations proposed for TNA embrace different marine environments and can be used independently. AAOT is an observing system and a wet and dry laboratory able to host up to five people on board for several days and wide desk space sophisticated instruments. It is equipped with a video surveillance system, power systems energy, broadband wireless (allowing real time data availability and remote control of instruments), several marine sensors (for waves, water currents profiles, sea temp, salinity, turbidity, sea level), meteorological stations, webcams (on the roof and underwater). SiCO is a twin-mooring system placed is in a key area connecting the Eastern and Western Mediterranean. Equipped with current profilers and CTD probes, it continuously monitor surface and intermediate exchange of water masses and properties between the basins. A buoy system is installed (CTD, Oxygen and Chlorophyll fluorescence) profiling from 150 m to the surface. A pCO2 probe is going to be installed to widen the contribution of the observatory to climate studies and ocean acidification research. S1 is located offshore the Po river delta, in a key monitoring point for studying the interactions between the Northern Adriatic and the Po River, experiencing a broad range of oceanographic conditions . The station is made up by a surface buoy with logging and NRT transmission devices, power systems (batteries, solar panels), a meteorological station and a submersed moored line accommodating oceanographic instrumentation at different water levels (among them CTD probes, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll, turbidity and CDOM sensors, ADCP). In 2015 it will be transformed in an elastic beacon. Additional measurements are routinely collected in the sites of the three installation with periodic sampling concerning biology, chemistry, oceanography.

Services currently offered: AAOT and S1 host instruments of other Institutions and local Authorities for in-situ experiments and monitoring and provide data for local authorities, EU projects (e.g. JERICO, EnvEurope, MyOcean2) and private companies. AAOT has been widely used as calibration point for instruments on board of the ERS-1, SEAWIFS and other satellites (Jamet et al., 2011, Zibordi et al, 2006a, Zibordi et al, 2006b). SiCO supports research of user communities by providing data and hosting their scientific equipment (e.g. Ben Ismail et al., 2014; Schroeder et al., 2013). It is part of the CIESM Hydrochanges Network (www.ciesm.org). AAOT and SiCO successfully participated to the

TNA activity in JERICO providing data to and hosting scientific equipment of users from Norway and France (AAOT) and from Czech Republic, France, Spain and Tunisia (SiCO) to implement projects in the field of Earth Sciences & Environment.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 or MoA 3. A user or a user group shall be given access to the infrastructure for specific experiments, tests of sensors and in-situ validation, or to collect additional data to the ones already acquired by the operator.

  • UA: AAOT: 2-months,
  • SiCO: 6-months,
  • S1: 4-months.

Modality used to declare access costs: AAOT and S1:TA-AC; SiCO: TA-UC, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: For each installation, support teams are established to assist the user group, helping during installing/uninstalling operations of their equipment. The user will have access to the installations by boat or research vessel, this service will be arranged by the operator. AAOT and S1 will provide the user group with RT/NR data, while data from SiCO will be available in delayed mode at the end of the 6 month access period, with the exception of data from the profiling buoy system, available daily (without quality control) or delayed (with quality control applied).


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
CNRS CNRS-INSU Glider National Facility (GNF)
Web site address:  Location:
www.dt.insu.cnrs.fr/gliders/gliders.php  La Seyne surmer, France

Description: GNF is held by DT-INSU and is part of a larger group called EGO (Everyone Glider Organization). It is installed inside the Mediterranean Ifremer center and is part of the CETSM (European Centre of underwater technologies). GNF started in September 2008. It is manned by 3 engineers and 1 technician and operates 10 gliders.

The facility is fully equipped with: a glider ballasting tank to prepare the glider, an electronic lab for battery change and maintenance, servers and communications devices for glider operations. It is linked to the ego-network.org web page offering a collaborative work environment and tools for piloting gliders.The following sensors can be mounted on the gliders: CTD, Oxygen Optode, Fluorimeters (ChlA, CDOM, Phycoerythrine, turbidity), Back scattering (470-880 nm).

Services currently offered: GNF is offering gliders as autonomous observing systems to collect data in specific experiments. The service is presently putting efforts for achieving high quality data through regular calibration/control procedures, as well as for providing users with full resolution post-processed data shortly after glider recovery. It has contributed/is contributing to several French and EU projects (among them Hymex, Mermex, ESONET, Mersea/OVIDE, OXYWATCH, MOOSE) and successfully participated to the TNA activity in JERICO providing equipped gliders to users from Spain, Italy and Algeria to implement projects in the field of Earth Sciences & Environment.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA 1. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: Ta-UC.

Support offered under this proposal: The glider facility offers the complete coordination of data measurement using gliders; preparation (ballasting, calibration, rebattery, …), at sea operations (shipping, customs, deployment, recovery), maintenance, communication infrastructure including near real time data set for the scientist, integration of new sensors if necessary. It can deploy gliders for one time operation or work with observatories. A fully trained glider staff will support the user groups working on shift for continuous service (preparation and piloting).


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
FMI Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station (Utö)
Web site address:  Location:
en.ilmatieteenlaitos.fi/uto Utö Island, Archipelago Sea, Baltic Sea

Description: Utö is one of the main observing sites of FMI. The Island can be reached 4 times a week by free public transport and has a hotel with conference facilities. Marine observations are mainly scientists-operated, with strong support from FMI observing services unit. Infrastructure includes the following observations: Surface waves and temperature; currents (-23m … -0.5 m); Temp., salinity, turbidity, chlorophyll, O2 (-5 m); Ice cover; pCO2; sea-atmosphere. CO2-flux; temp., salinity, O2, nutrient profiles (-80 m…0 m), Atmospheric CO2- and CH4-concentrations; Meteorology: wind speed and direction, temperature, PAR, diffuse and global radiation, boundary layer wind, weather camera; atmospheric trace gases; physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosol particles.

Services currently offered: The online-marine component of Utö measurement station is new; build only in 2013-14.

However, diverse manual oceanographic and meteorological observations are available since 1889. Several scientific articles have been published based on earlier observations at Utö (Jevrejeva et al., 2004; Haapala and Leppäranta, 1997; Haapala and Alenius, 1997). In 2012, Utö hosted the annual science meeting of ICOS-Finland, including visits to different measurement locations (http://www.icos-infrastructure.fi/?q=node/10).

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 or MoA 3. Utö TNA offers possibilities to use data of the available sensors during the period of TNA, install additional sensors by users and gather water samples for instruments (technical, safety and security limitations allowing). For instruments requiring very limited maintenance, users may participate only in installing/uninstalling activities. All visits to the installation will be done under guidance of FMI support team with prior security screening. UA: day –Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: Utö provides a facility for installation of flow-through and bottom-moored instrumentation. FMI provides data transfer and electricity for instruments installed at the station. As part of the Utö station is located on military area, all researchers visiting the site have to pass a prior security screening.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
HCMR POSEIDON Monitoring, Forecasting and Information System for the Greek Seas (POSEIDON)

Web site address:  http://www.poseidon.hcmr.gr

  1. Saronikos buoy (SB). Saronikos Gulf, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean
  2. Heraklion Coastal Buoy (HCB). Heraklion Gulf, Cretan Sea, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean
  3. Athos buoy (AB). North Aegean Sea, Mediterranean
  4. Poseidon Ferrybox (PFB). Cretan Sea, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean

Description: POSEIDON is an operational marine monitoring, forecasting and information system for the Greek Seas.

The observing component is a distributed infrastructure made by: three coastal buoys (installations 1 to 3) and one Ferrybox (installation 4). A calibration laboratory (installation 5, see Chapter 2) is supporting the observing activities. SB is equipped with meteo, T, C/S, wave sensors and current meter, is moored in one of the most eutrophic areas in Greece greatly affected by the effluents sewage treatment plant of Psitalia and the Anthropogenic activities in the wider Athens – Piraeus urban environment. HAB’s are frequent in some parts of the Gulf while clear trophic gradients are observed.

HCB will be deployed towards the end of 2015 between Dia Island and Heraklion city, equipped with meteo, T, C/S, wave sensors and current meter as well as DO, fluorescence and turbidity at various depths in the euphotic zone. The location is of particular interest as the coastal expression of the very oligotrophic Cretan Sea ecosystem, modulated by the moderate to small riverine inputs and the rural activities in the Northern Crete. AB is equipped with meteo sensors and T, C/S, DO, fluorescence and turbidity sensors up to 100m in depth, is located in the coastal area in the Northern

Aegean, representative of mesotrophic to oligotrophic conditions affected by circulation. Although coastal the depth of the water column allows deeper observations. PFB is installed on board H/S/F “Olympic Champion” and is equipped with sensors measuring T, C/S, DO, pH, fluorescence and turbidity. It is the only Ferry Box in the Mediterranean operating daily along the route Heraklion – Piraeus.

Services currently offered: POSEIDON is both a geographically and scientifically distributed infrastructure in Greek seas offering end-to-end services both to science and to society (Korres et al., 2014). Complementary nodes both in off shore and coastal environments, integrated into a unique system, comprise the system. From these nodes, the Coastal platforms and the FerryBox are open for access to users. It has participated to the TNA activity in JERICO providing data to and hosting a novel pH sensor developed by a user group from Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 or MoA 3. The installations can be used to host sensors for recording a number of parameters that do not belong to the main POSEIDON portfolio. The nodes have been designed to support the open access to different types of sensors by providing also their data in real time in most of the cases. The access is offered for one of the nodes of the network or for any combination of different nodes. SB, HCB and AB: will be made during the regular maintenance visits (2-4 per year) on-board the R/V Aegaeo. The duration of these visits is usually 1-2 days and can be extended upon request. Additionally users can have unlimited access to back up buoys in Athens or Crete for preparatory work prior to deployment. PFB: Poseidon FerryBox system can be accessed daily all year round with only exception the period (1 week) when the hosting ship is under the annual maintenance. The scientific and technical personnel of POSEIDON will carry out all operations, while training courses will be given on both hardware and software. In case of integration of new sensors into the system, the user will have to provide the software and hardware adaptations required. UA: month. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC for SB, AB and PFB, unit cost shared with a permanent user; the period 1 June 2012 – 30 May 2014 is used as reference for calculation of access costs of PFB only, since it started its operation in this date. TA-AC for HCB since it is a new deployment and historical data are not available.

Support offered under this proposal: The POSEIDON system offers an excellent scientific environment, covering a wide range of coastal environmental conditions. The long experience of the scientific and technical personnel and their involvement in previous Trans National Access projects ensure the seamless operation. As a generic service, the whole system is offered as a test bench for existing and new sensors while the different platforms allow a multi node study.

Overall there is scientific, technical and logistics support in every link of the chain from the individual measurement to the final product. The support team consists of the HCMR technicians and scientists, who maintain the system, collect and analyze the samples and perform calibrations to the sensors.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
HZG Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas (COSYNA)

Web site address: http://www.cosyna.de

  1. One out of three FerryBoxes installed on cargo ships and a small ferry (COSYNA_FB). Southern North Sea, from the English coast to Germany and Skagerrak.
  2. Stationary FerryBox system (COSYNA_SFB). Cuxhaven, German Bight, North Sea.
  3. One glider (COSYNA_GL). German Bight, North Sea
  4. Underwater Node Helgoland (COSYNA_UNH). German Bight, North Sea
  5. AWIPEV Underwater Node Spitzbergen (AWIPEV_UNS). Kongsfjord (Ny Ålesund)

Description: COSYNA (Coastal Observation System for Northern and Arctic Seas) is an operational coastal monitoring, forecasting and information system for the North Sea composed by fixed platforms, FerryBoxes, gliders and HF-radar systems. It is being developed by institutes of the German Marine Research Consortium (KDM) and collaborating institutions and is operated by the HZG Research Centre. The infrastructure represents an investment of 9 M €. It was build up since 2007 and is fully operational since 2012. COSYNA_FB is equipped with sensors T, C/S, turbidity, DO, pCO2, pH, chlorophyll-a-fluorescence, partly nutrients (NOx, NO2, PO4, SiO2) and cooled water sampler. COSYNA_SFB is a Stationary FerryBox system, including self-cleaning features, installed in a container at the mouth of the Elbe River equipped with sensors T, C/S, turbidity, DO, pH, chlorophyll-a-fluorescence, CDOM fluorescence, nutrients (NOx, NO2, PO4, SiO2) and a cooled water sampler. COSYNA_GL is one of the 2 gliders of the system (TWR Slocum Electric, 100m) equipped with CTD, Wetlabs ECO puck FLNTU (fluorescence and turbidity) and CDOM fluorescence. COSYNA_UNH is a cabled underwater observatory operated by AWI together with HZG since 2012 and is providing power, network connection and server support for the permanent operation of in situ sensor systems. The node system has 10 underwater pluggable access points (for network (100 Mbit/ 1Gbit) and power (48V / 2.5 Amp) and is equipped with a standard sensor carrier with an ADCP) and a CTD plus Chl-a fluorescence, oxygen and turbidity sensors for basic oceanographic measurements. The 10 access points are fully remotely controlled. The user gets a “virtual computer” on the COSYNA server on which she/he can log in via remote access software and install own programs to control her/his sensor. AWIPEV_UNS is designed as an experimental platform project between the HZG and the AWI to host sensors and sensor units in a polar fjord system. The system provides underwater data connection and power as well as a server infrastructure for system and sensor control. Attached is an upward looking ADCP and a CTD plus sensors for turbidity, oxygen, chl-a fluorescence. The underwater nodes UNH and UNS)) are quite new installations started in 2012.

Services currently offered: All data from the COSYNA nodes are delivered real- or near-real time to the COSYNA data server open to the public via free internet connection. Furthermore all underway FB data are delivered in near-real-time to the MyOcean services, including data quality flags. FB data have been used in different studies about the North Sea (e.g. Petersen et al., Ocean Dynamics 2011), and were also used for data assimilation in numerical models (e.g. Stanev et al., Ocean Science 2011). The FerryBox systems participated to the TNA activity in the JERICO project providing data and access to different user groups (from Italy and UK) testing new instruments.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2 or MoA3. Applications to use the Spitzbergen system must be submitted at least 1 year in advance. UA: day for FB and SFB; month for GL and 14 days for UNH and UNS. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-ac.

Support offered under this proposal: A support team of technicians and scientists of HZG will prepare the instrumentation; service the instrumented ferry and container; support operations at sea, including glider deployement; support in processing the data. Installations 4-5 will be supported by a team of technicians and scientists of AWI/HZG for preparing the instrumentation; service the instrumented node, support diving for installation and recovering of the sensors at the end and process the data. A “virtual computer” is also provided to the user for full access to the instruments installed underwater.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
Ifremer Reseau Eulerien (RESEAU EULERIEN)

Web site address:  http://wwz.ifremer.fr/rd_technologiques/Projets/EMSO-Molene  

Web site address: http://wwz.ifremer.fr/webtv/Thema/L-environnement/La-bouee-Molit

  1. (MOLIT). Loire estuary, France
  2. Coastal-cabled observatory EMSO-Molène (MOLENE). Molène Island, France

Description: MOLIT is designed for in situ monitoring in large rivers, estuaries and coastal areas. It is used for since many years in the Loire estuary where a two level sampling, surface and 10m depth, is performed with multiparameter measurements (T, DO, salinity, turbidity, fluorescence). Nevertheless, if needed, the MOLIT hydraulic system can perform sampling at 4 different levels. The whole hydraulic sampling system is protected from bio-fouling by an efficient seawater electrolysis scheme; this bio-fouling protection can be used to protect the tested instruments. The data are available by a wireless communication system or can be stored on board. The seabed cabled observatory EMSO-
Molène has been deployed off shore 2 km north of Molène in the marine protected area “Iroise Marine Park” (20m depth). MOLENE is an EMSO testing site at depth 18 meters, dedicated to sensors and equipment in-situ and long-term qualification. The instrumental module is a removable device that includes the electronic core of the observatory: the “Node” and the “Junction Box”. The Node inputs an optical signal and converts it into electrical. On the node output, the Junction Box relays instructions, collects data, protects the equipment in case of electrical malfunction and provides failure warnings. Remote control of the instruments and data recovery. Network throughput: 1 Gbit/s between the sensors and the relay station, restricted between the island and Brest. A land-based server transmits data to the subscriber. Data time stamping: GPS clock, NTP/PTP Network, Network Attached Storage. Available for the instruments: 6 identical inputs (Subconn MCBH12M, Micro Bulkhead, 12 contacts), voltage: 15V and 48V, power supplied for the 6 connections: 75 W under 15V and 75W under 48V. Seawater physico-chemical measurements are performed by the platforms on the site (high frequency sampling).

Services currently offered: MOLIT is commonly used for demonstration of prototype instruments. For example, it has been used with the Ifremer nutriment analyzers CHEMINI. In this situation the MOLIT platform has shown its ability to handle such situation. It is large enough to allow an easy access for 3 people at the same time. The tested instrument is placed in a cabin and then is protected from seawater splashes, from rain and from bird dropping. Additional batteries can be installed for specific energy demand. Remote instrument operation is possible and real time data access is implemented. MOLENE operates all year long and sensors are swapped from twice to four times a year. Skillful staff and divers perform marine operations. At the moment, the observatory is equipped with a camera, an ADCP, a hydrophone, a Seabird SBE37SIP with ODO and an EnviroFlu-DS-500 TRIOS. A JERICO1 BMB (Biofouling Monitoring Box) is under the scope of the camera. Real time feedback from tested equipment is possible as well as specific observation by divers.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 or MoA 3. UA: month. Modality used to declare access costs: TA- CB, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: Technical assistance to adapt equipment to MOLIT and MOLENE platforms and their deployment at sea will be provided by the Ifremer scientific and technical staff. Indeed, Ifremer is used to operate equipment on many fixed platforms like Marel coastal network and seabed observatories like Neptune Canada and Azores Momar. As well, technical laboratories are available for partners to test their equipment interfaces and drivers before deployment at sea and to perform final metrology check in a high-level marine metrology calibration lab with National Metrology accreditation (see Chapter 2). Marine sensor biofouling expertise can be provided to the users.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure

Web site address:  www.imr.no

Web site address: http://www.imr.no/forskning/forskningsdata/

Web site address:  http://love.statoil.com/

Web site address: http://www.imr.no/temasider/referanseflaten/en

  1. Ferrybox system installed on the coastal steamer MV Vesterålen (FERRY). Coordinates of the track: from Bergen (60,39 N, 5,31 E) to Kirkenes (70,36 N, 31.15 E)
  2. Two fishing vessels of the Coastal reference fleet (FISHING 1&2). Norwegian Sea
  3. Two fishing vessels of the Coastal reference fleet (FISHING 1&2). Norwegian Sea
  4. LoVe cable based observatory (CABLE), Norwegian Sea (68 54.474 N; 14 23.145 E)

Description: FERRY is installed on the coastal steamer MV Vesterålen measuring T, S, Chlorophyll fluorescence and oxygen permanently as well as 30 individual samples are taken on all roundtrips from Bergen-Kirkenes and back. This roundtrip is repeated every 11 days throughout the year. The Reference Fleet (is a small group of Norwegian fishing vessels that provide the IMR with detailed information about their fishing activity and catches on a regular basis. The sampling and data management procedures are similar to the system used on board IMR’s research vessels. Data is used for management purposes including stock assessment. Within the project two boats from the fleet, FV Vester Junior and FV Brattholm (FISHING 1&2), are offered for TNA. CABLE is an infrastructure with a suite of physical biological and chemical sensors that involves and impacts several scientific fields and is expected to stimulate innovation and new research. The main driver is the capability of real time monitoring and the possibility to act in accordance with observations. Coupled information is a requirement in most research that aims at understanding function and dynamics of the marine environment and associated marine life as well as assessing impacts due human activity. Cable and node of the Cabled based observatory were launched in spring 2013.

Services currently offered: IMR Coast is providing services along the Norwegian coast. FERRY is providing frequent data on a transect along the whole coast. These measurements are conducted since the 1930 ́s enabling climate change studies through the long term application or providing validation data for the applied numerical models along the coast. (i.e. Albretsen et. al, 2012).The Fishing fleet driven by IMR allows to cost effectively increase the knowledge of fish stock size and distribution and is contributing to the provision of the ICES Annual Assessments (i.e. Planque et al., 2012). Another application is the catch of material for contaminant analysis in fishes (i.e. K. Julshamn et al. 2013). The Cabled observatory is providing near real time biogeochemical data from the Lofoten Vesterålen area for use in science and society (i.e. Godø et al., 2014).

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 to FERRY, MoA 2 to FISHING, MoA 3 to and CABLE. The FERRY can be reached in every of the 39 harbours on each way in the roundtrip For FISHING, users are invited to join cruises of the vessels and bring their own measurement devices for use. The users have to follow the safety regulations as they are applied in the infrastructures. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC, unit cost shared with a permanent user. Since CABLE started operation in spring 2013, the period 1 July 2013 – 30 June 2014 is used as reference for calculation of access costs

Support offered under this proposal: The IMR infrastructure is under continuous supervision of the technical and scientific team at IMR. The team will provide assistance to users during installation of new instruments and during basic maintenance, and support and advice for the conduction of user projects.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
IO-BAS Bulgarian National Operational Marine Observing System (NOMOS)

Web site address:  www.bgodc.io-bas.bg

  1. GALATA, Weather and sea state observing system. Varna, Bulgaria.
  2. POMOS, Port Operational Marine Observing System. Balchik, Bulgaria

Description: NOMOS is a system designed to allow the real-time assessment of weather and marine conditions in the western part of Black Sea and to support sustainable development of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast and EEZ. It consists of several subsystems. The proposed NOMOS’s installations for TNA are GALATA and POMOS. GALATA is built on a fixed, unmanned, earth gas production platform, located in western part of the Black Sea on the Bulgarian shelf 26 km east from the city of Varna and aim to provide real time oceanographic data. The system collects data with minimum components to maximize the use of existing facilities: weather station, water temperature, conductivity, DO, pH, chlorophyll and ADCP. POMOS is a network of distributed sensors and centralized data collecting, processing and distributing unit. It is designed to allow for the real-time assessment of weather, marine and environmental conditions throughout the major Bulgarian ports, channels and bays. The parameters measured by POMOS are: wind speed and direction, temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, visibility, solar radiation, water temperature and salinity, sea level, currents speed and direction, significant wave height.

Services currently offered: Real time access to data of all or selected installations and sensors and access to the installations to put in user sensors and instruments. The information obtained from NOMOS is wildly used by scientists from the Black Sea countries. The data are used for assimilation and validation of regional models (Kubryakov et al., 2011), assessment of the wind and wave climate of the region (Valchev et al. 2010) and validation of satellite products (Slabakova et al., 2009). Recent interest of NASA and JRC led to the installation of AERONET system on the GALATA platform, which is part of the global AERONET-OC network component. Data is freely available thought the NASA web site http://aeronet.gsfc.nasa.gov. Furthermore parts of the NOMOS data are distributed thought the MyOcean and SeaDataNet data portals. In 2010 the registered users of the NOMOS reached 2100.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 or MoA3. For trans-national access to installations, users will be able to work as follow: GALATA – visit of the platform 2 times per month no more than 7 hours (depending on the weather conditions) per day; POMOS every day (without limitations) on the site. UA: month. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC

Support offered under this proposal: 1) Support the user team by providing scientific and technical assistance during the setup of the equipment; 2) Organization of the local handing and transport of the user team and equipment to the installations; 3) Perform a visit to the installations to verify the functional performance of the instruments during the period of trans-national access.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
NIVA Norwegian Ferrybox systems (NorFerry)

Web site address:  www.ferrybox.no

  1. MS Color Fantasy (FA). S Baltic Sea and North Sea (54.33 N,10.15 E to 59.91 N, 10.71 E)
  2. MS Trollfjord (TF). N Atlantic and Barents Sea (60.39 N, 5.32 E to 69.74 N, 30.05 E.)

Description: The NorFerry infrastructure started back in 2001 and covers a network of 5 Ferrybox-systems in the Baltic, North Sea, Atlantic Sea and Arctic areas. Two of them are offered to TNA. FA is installed on a ferry, TF on a coastal steamer. Both the systems have the core sensor with termosalinograph, inlet temperature sensor, oxygen, Chl-a fluorescence, turbidity and system for water sampling. FA has also the additional fluorescence sensor of PAH, Pycocyanin and cDOM and passive sampling unit. Both FA and TF have spectrophotometric pH and a membrane based pCO2 system, and radiometers for marine reflectance of the sea surface. TF will be upgrade with cDOM in 2015. Data are transferred daily via internet communication to a NIVA database as part of the MyOcean. The infrastructure is used for physical, pelagic biodiversity, chemical (contaminants) and biogeochemical (marine acidification) studies.

Services currently offered: FA and TF are available for researcher to do research on eutrophication, biodiversity, chemistry and biogeochemistry. There is easy access to the ships in Oslo or Bergen and cabins can be hired for trips to use of the Ferrybox installations. It is easy to install additional equipment for short term use during a trip or for longer term testing.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA 1 or MoA 2. Dedicate NIVA persons are available in Oslo to cover the Ferrybox FA, and in Bergen to cover TF. A typical access duration can be from a few days on the short 2 days trip between Oslo and Kiel or the 5 (one way) or 11 days (return trip) along the Norwegian coast. Cabins and small onboard laboratories are available. Access to the machine area and to the Ferrybox installation is subject to specific security rules and requires the presence of NIVA staff. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: The visiting researcher will be in direct contact with NIVA researcher and with supporting technical staff. Preparations of tests and sensors are possible in advances at NIVA premises or onboard since workshops can be made available. NIVA chemical and biological laboratories are also available for calibration purposes.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
SBI SmartBay Marine Test and Validation Facility (SMARTBAY TDS)

Web site address:  www.smartbay.ie

  1. SmartBay Cabled Observatory (CPO)
  2. SmartBay Data Buoy (SMARTBUOY)

Location: Galway Bay, Ireland (The observatory is located in the Irish national ocean energy test site in Galway Bay. The SmartBuoy can be deployed in a location within the Bay specific to project requirements).

Description: CPO, a cabled observatory, operational by Q2 2015 in Galway Bay, will include a fiber optic data and power cable, a sub-sea sensor hosting platform at 25 m depth and a floating sea laboratory which will be used to connect to energy conversion devices being tested at the 0.25 scale ocean energy test site, or any other instrument or sensor to be tested at the surface. The sub-sea platform includes interfaces (ports) capable of providing electrical power and 2-way Optical, Serial or Ethernet high speed communications to scientific instruments from R&D projects or sensor developers and to permanent instruments (CTD, DO2, Turb./Fluor., ADCP, HDTV, hydrophone, acoustic array). SMARTBUOY is one of two autonomous data buoys used by SBI for testing environmental and meteorological sensors and to efficiently collect metocean time series. All data is transferred to SBI via a variety of wireless communication options and onto users through the SBI online data portal or specialized access. Different mooring designs are adaptable to any specific testing environment; the buoy allows for easy integration of sensors and instruments into the available power and data transmission facilities.

Services currently offered: The whole infrastructure for both SBI CPO and SMARTBUOY encompasses the following data services: acquisition, storage, normalisation, presentation and visualisation and data standardisation. It is being used by several Irish research bodies, universities and companies. Testing and validation will allow devices to move up TRLs 4-7. SMARTBUOY currently offers: power and data communications to near surface devices; pre-deployment integration testing; dedicated operational team (bench testing, deployment, operations and maintenance, recovery of the sensor/equipment); data processing support; device deployment in a marine environment; real-time data transmission to shore. In addition, CPO will offer the following services from Q2 2015: Power and data link to subsea instruments and sensors; environment with high power and high-speed data transmission capabilities; access to a floating sea laboratory connected to the subsea observatory; testing and development of ocean energy device components in a ‘real world’ environment.

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 or MoA3. Devices will be scheduled for deployment in a chronological order from the date of initial acceptance of the device. Typical projects will be deployed for a maximum of 2 months. SBI technicians will be responsible for the deployment, O&M and recovery of any equipment. Users of the observatory will receive data in a format which they require and at a sampling frequency of their choice. In case of MoA3 users must abide to SBI Health and Safety regulations and procedures. UA: month. Modality used to declare access costs: CPO: TA-AC (The SmartBay observatory is currently being constructed with the estimated operational date in Q2 2015 therefore it is not possible to determine unit costs on the basis of historical data); SMARTBUOY:TA-UC, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: Users of the SMARTBAY TDS will be offered a high-quality, end-to-end service including:

  1. Pre-deployment testing on a dedicated, custom-built test rig to simulate subsea CPO conditions;
  2. Dedicated operational team providing bench testing, deployment, operations and maintenance, recovery of the sensor/equipment;
  3. Project specific ICT team for data acquisition and data transmission support;
  4. Any deployment at the SMARTBAY TDS will have access to the observatory’s or databuoy’s power, data acquisition and data transmission systems;
  5. Real-time data transmission and visualization through a dedicated and secure log-in via the SBI online data portal.

All data transmitted and visualized via SBI is encrypted to ensure client data security. A SOS (OGC compliant) web service is also available for automatic data retrieval.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
SOCIB Balearic Islands Coastal and Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB)

Web site address:  www.socib.es

Description: Gliders are an example of new technologies being progressively implemented in coastal to open ocean regions allowing autonomous and sustained high-resolution monitoring of specific areas. SOCIB GLIDER is operational since 2013. The present fleet consists of 5 Slocum gliders and 2 iRobot Seagliders, equipped for collecting both physical (T, S) and biogeochemical data (fluorescence, oxygen, etc.) at high spatial resolutions (1km). SOCIB GLIDER includes a pressure chamber (1.000 m), ballasting and operations labs, as well as new deployment capabilities (Hurricane Zodiac 9.2 m RIB; Van, etc.).

Services currently offered: SOCIB glider team has carried out about 30 gliders missions in the western Mediterranean  Sea obtaining, so far, collecting ~25000 hydrographical and biogeochemical profiles. The Balearic Island gliders have been very successful in different EU funded projects such as PERSEUS and JERICO, in particular in the JERICO/TNA (calls, evaluations, acceptance of proposal, mission definition, mission execution, real time and delayed mode data, scientific contributions: e.g., Olita et al., 2014; Ocean Science, doi: 10.5194/os-10-657-2014)

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1, MoA2 or MoA3. SOCIB provides access to one or more gliders of the fleet for autonomous operation at sea. Access to the Glider Facility by a user group is treated as a concession granted to use the infrastructure (one or several gliders, prior contact to SOCIB required to assure piloting and operation capabilities) in a dedicated experiment to collect specific data following the implementation of an automated measurement programme agreed between the user group and SOCIB. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC.

Support offered under this proposal: The glider team at SOCIB will support the potential users at any stage in proposal development. SOCIB will provide access to a number of specific complementary services:

  1. access to glider platforms prepared and ready for operation in line with the highest international standards;
  2. qualified personnel for the management of the gliders (platforms and sensors), including logistics for deployment and recovery;
  3. a 24/7 operational system to pilot the gliders at sea;
  4. access to a collaborative piloting system;
  5. access to a collaborative Data Management system;
  6. quasi Real Time (usually less than 6 hours) reception of data and visualization system;
  7. state of the art quality control procedures (both for Real Time and Delayed Mode);
  8. a SOCIB standard post mission glider report;
  9. delayed Mode data in NetCDF format.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
SYKE SYKE Marine Research Centre, Ferrybox network in the Baltic Sea (SYKE-ALG@LINE)

Web site address:  http://www.syke.fi/en-US

  1. Ferrybox at m/s Finnmaid (FINNMAID). Helsinki – Travemünde,
  2. Ferrybox at m/s Silja Serenade (SILJA SERENADE). Helsinki – Stockholm

Description: SYKE Alg@line project in the Baltic Sea monitors the state of the sea and detects algal blooms. Several millions of data points are collected annually from the Baltic Sea, using a fleet of 5-7 ferries. Two best equipped ferries offered in TNA are m/s Silja Serenade, which travels daily between Helsinki and Stockholm (Sweden) and m/s Finnmaid, which travels approx. twice a week from Helsinki to Travemünde (Germany) and back. Both ferries are equipped with flow-through system with thermosalinograph, chlorohyll, phycocyanin and CDOM fluorometers, turbiditymeter and refrigerated sampling unit providing discrete water samples for laboratory analyses (e.g. microscopy, flowCAM, nutrients, optical analysis, experimental work). Additional sensors e.g. for primary production (FRRF) and light reflectance are used periodically, new sensors for light absorption and pCO2 will be soon implemented. Data can be retrieved in real time using satellite or GSM connection (basic sensors) or downloaded during harbour visits (additional sensors).

Services currently offered: Algaline data is available e.g. through MyOcean and has also been delivered to users based on mutual cooperation, including scientific advice (Groetsch et al., 2014, Kahru and Elmgren, 2014). Algaline ships maintained by SYKE host measurement systems from other countries (Germany, Sweden), and periodically they are used as platforms for international short-term studies (e.g. Schneider et al., 2014).

Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1, MoA2 or MoA3. SYKE offers possibilities to use data of the available sensors in Alg@line ferries, install additional sensors by users (technical and safety limitations allowing) and gather water samples for instrument. There are possibilities for 1-3 weekly visits to the ships, to install and maintain sensors and to fetch water samples. Deliver of access under MoA1, MoA2 or Moa3 will depend on the complexity of users instruments and demand. Installing users’ equipment will be subjected to technical and safety limitations and data from such new instruments may be available during weekly harbour visits only, when user may also perform maintenance of their instruments. All visits to the installation will be done under guidance of SYKE support team. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: SYKE support team consists of technicians and scientists regularly operating the ferrybox systems. Team provides assistance to users during installation of new instrument (piping, electricity, interfacing, safety) and during basic maintenance. SYKE scientific support team assists in the selection of methods and instrumentation and measuring protocols if needed and assist in analyzing the data from contemporary ferrybox devices.


Short name of participant:   Name of the infrastructure
UPC Expandable Seafloor Observatory (OBSEA)
Web site address:  Location:
www.obsea.es Barcelona, Catalan Coast (Spain), Western Mediterranean

Description: OBSEA is an underwater cabled observatory connected with 4 km of cable to the coast of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona, Spain) and placed at a depth of 20m in a fishing protected area. Operations are done by scuba divers and small boats. A surface buoy located at 40m from the underwater unit is an extension of OBSEA working as surface platform for measuring oceanographic and environmental parameters. A Shore Station provides power (3.6kW) to feed all the devices and the fiber optic link (1Gbps) to establish communications. At the same time from land we manage  alarms and data storage. With a length of 1000 meters the terrestrial cable connects the Ground Station to the Beach Manhole where the submarine cable begins its route to the node location at 4 km from the coast and 20 m depth.

Services currently offered: The infrastructure offers power, communications and synchronization to instruments or systems to be deployed in the area. In addition offers the data of permanent instruments, like: CTD, Hydrophone, Seismometer, Video Camera, AWAC, Meteo Station. Quality controlled data available in real time. Data from CTDs and Meteorological buoy are available in real time through as OGC SOS, IEEE 1451 and .csv or .txt files. Hourly data average with QC/QA are available in .csv and netCDF format. The Data can be accessed in EMODnet Physics, OGC SOS, IEEE 1451, and RAW data in .csv, .txt format through OBSEA web page and FTP server. Biological assessment of species trough real time video cameras and cabled observatories is being carried out at Obsea. Permanent seismometers offer seismic data to regional (Catalan) and national (Spanish) seismic networks. Current meters data (AWAC) are being used to study coastal dynamics.

Modality of access under this proposal: Mo1 or MoA2 or MoA3. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC, unit cost shared with a permanent user.

Support offered under this proposal: Technical support for instrument deployment planning, interfacing with observatory, and access to real time instrument data after deployment. Quality control of data is offered. Logistics: ship and scuba divers for instrument deployment.